Just a few projects
These are some of the personal, open source, projects that I've been working on.
Atom Material UI
A Material Design-inspired theme for Github's Atom.
- javascript
- ui
- theme
A light library that checks when elements enter or leave the viewport or a scrollable container.
- javascript
Feathers Nuxt
A Feathers + Nuxt boilerplate for kick starting server-side rendered VueJS real-time applications.
- javascript
- nodejs
- feathersjs
- real-time
- vuejs
- ssr
Feathers React
A FeathersJS real-time React component library to display data.
- javascript
- nodejs
- feathersjs
- real-time
- react
Rollup Starter
Added coverage support to this sample project for packages built using rollup.
- javascript
- rollup
- bundler